Nursing Diagnoses 2009-2011: Definitions and Classification (NANDA NURSING DIAGNOSIS

Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care
Nursing diagnosis is defined as a clinical assessment of responses of individuals, families or communities to actual or potential health problems or life processes which provides the basis for selection of nursing interventions to achieve results that nurses are responsible.

Accurate and valid nursing diagnoses guide the selection of interventions that are likely to produce the desired therapeutic effects and determine nurse-sensitive outcome. Nursing diagnosis is viewed as key to the future of evidence-based nursing care professional who led - and to more effectively meet the needs of patients and ensure patient safety. In an era of increasing electronic patient health records standards of nursing terms such as NANDA, NIC and NOC nursing provides a means of collecting data that are systematically analyzed within and across healthcare organizations and provide essential data for cost / benefit analysis and clinical audit.
'Nursing Diagnosis: Definitions and Classification' is the definitive guide to nursing diagnosis throughout the world. Every nursing diagnosis has rigorous assessment process by NANDA-I with strict criteria to show the strength of the evidence base level.
Each diagnosis consists of a label or name for the diagnosis and definition. Actual diagnosis including defining characteristics and related factors. diagnosis of risk includes the risk factors. Many diagnoses further qualified by terms such as readiness effective, ineffective, impaired, balanced, for, disturbed, decreased etc.
2009-2011 editions are prepared in accordance with the domain concept taxonomy II (ie health promotion, Nutrition, Elimination and Exchange, Activity / Rest, Perception / Cognition, Self-Perception, Role Relationships, Sexuality, Coping / Stress Tolerance, Life Principles, Safety / Protection, Comfort, Growth / Development). This book contains new chapters on 'critical appraisal and assessment' and 'How to identify appropriate diagnoses' and core references for all nursing diagnoses. A companion website hosts NANDA-I position reports, the new PowerPoint slides, and FAQs for students.
2009-2011 edition is governed by the conceptNew chapter 'Critical appraisal and assessment' and 'How to identify appropriate diagnoses'Core references for new diagnosis and level of evidence for each diagnosisCompanion website available

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Nursing Diagnoses 2009-2011: Definitions and Classification (NANDA NURSING DIAGNOSIS